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Green Mark is one of the most consumed vodka in Russia. Made from wheat, it is light and perfumed. Its name "Green Mark" pays tribute to an ancient label of the 20's in Russia : it was a quality guarantee for vodka.
Bairille Apple is original because of its base which is green apple. The distillation is following the usual process for vodka but the final product shows light apple notes. The vodka is kept for 6 months in an oak cask before bottling which is complexifying the vodka with some woody notes.
Lubelska are vodkas flavored with fruits, with a light sweet profile. To drink chilled.
Winiak is a type of vodka coming from the period of Napoleon, when the close relationship between France and Poland allowed Polish to distill grapes. Jablecznik na Winiaku is a vodka distilled from grapes and aged in oak cask with apples added in it, to bring a fruity and sweet profile to the product.